Unix day — 3 : Removing dupes from file
How to clean up your dictionary file for bruteforce attack
Why do you need to do this ?
At some point in time when you learn cracking passwords, you will have to end up creating your custom dictionaries . Over time these dictionaries grow as you add in more words . And that’s when you find it important to remove the duplicates from this file .
Enter Unix
View the dictionary file
$ cat 1.txt password
Note : the words password
and hello
are duplicated
Unix Solution :
sort 1.txt | uniq > out.txt
This sorts the words in 1.txt and pipes to the uniq command , which gets all the uniq words in the list and pipes it out to a desired file ( out.txt ) which has only the unique files. Conversely, in case you want to get only the list of duplicate words , use this argument :
sort 1.txt | uniq -d > dupes.txt
Word of caution :
Sometimes the last word might not have a carriage return ( a new line ) . So this might be mistakenly taken as a unique word in the list
Note: some cracking software like hashcat
does this check before each run . But it is good to have a clean dictionary to begin with.