Getting started with Penetration Testing
How to learn, practice and perform pen-testing (from theory to practice)
Before starting to read this article —
- This article is heavy on jargons and terms. If you are unfamiliar with the terms in the ethical hacking industry, keep a reference page ready for these terms.
- We assume that you have a good working knowledge in python and some basic shell scripting .
- A basic knowledge in some key Linux commands is handy. (See below in a section that has a refresher on some basic Linux commands to help you get around)
Stages in Penetration Testing
Before jumping directly into building your technical acumen in Penetration Testing (a.k.a pen-testing), here is the round up on what it actually means to make a career (or a living) doing pen-testing. Here is a quick low down on the stages involved in a standard pen-testing project when you sign-up a contract with a client .
- Recon
- Threat Analysis / Enumeration
- Get your contracts right
- Discuss commercials
- Actual exploits
- Post-exploit / maintaining access / covering tracks
- Reporting
Now that we know what a typical pen-testing contact involves, lets try to get the lab set up which will build your technical acumen.
Setting up the environment
- We will be setting up a VM-Ware environment .
- We will be using windows OS
A. Set up a VM-Ware environment on windows
B. Set up Kali Linux on the VM-Ware
You can alternatively install a Kali-Linux image of the VM-Ware.
C. Install supporting binaries in your Kali- Linux environment
Here are a list of tools in addition to the standard ones that come with your Kali Linux default installations. These are indicative tools — your choices might vary based on your usage preferences .
- ming ( C compiler )
apt-get install mingw32
2. Ettercap (Tool for man-in-the-middle attacks)
Change the conf file in the tool.
nano /etc/ettercap/etter.conf
3. Nessus (General vulnerability scanner )
4. Veil-Evasion (A tool to create payload executables to bypass common virus scanners)
4. Hyperion (an encryption program to bypass common anti-virus software)
5. Also, install the following if you are also looking to do Android/Mobile pen-testing
- Smartphone Pentest Framework (SPF)
- Andriod SDK
D. Setting up your Kali Linux environment
- Create users with different roles
From your root user, create a sudo previlige user. Here we are creating a user called matt
root@kali:~# adduser matt
adduser matt sudo
At this point, we have set up most a good enough environment where we can practice our pen-testing skills. We will see specific use-cases in the coming articles.